Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas At Ground Zero - Weird Al Yankovic

Merry Christmas!

Of course, because of various circumstances and poor timing of particular events, we’re putting off Christmas until Thursday.

Trust me, we can use the extra time.

All that aside, I thought I’d continue the ‘end of the world’ theme and give you more of my post-apocalyptic story. 



The Promised Land: (Part 2) The Outsider

Eden grasped her throat as she wheezed and stared at the soldiers with big, fearful blue eyes. One of the soldiers shouted something, but his gas mask muffled whatever it was he said. Eden tried screaming, but her throat burned too much. When she didn’t answer, the soldier raised his rifle and the others followed suit. Eden fell to her knees in fear, trying desperately to say something. Anything. In a split second, she heard three gunshots and the man in front of her crumpled to the ground. The other soldiers started looking around frantically and shooting at something in the air. Eden saw a flash of silver as she was jerked to her feet. Something grabbed hold of her wrist and she was forced to run just to keep from falling. Rata-tata-tat. Tap, tap, tap. Rata-tata-tat. Tap, tap, tap. Eden looked back to watch the soldiers fall to the ground one by one. The force pulling her along slowed and suddenly let go. Eden found herself on the ground staring at an overcast sky.  The clouds were a sickly green color, with the sun fighting to shine through. A dark shape with red eyes appeared in her view just as her vision darkened. Eden felt something cover her nose and mouth before she passed out.


When Eden came to, she opened her eyes and stared at a greenish-red overcast sky. She sat up and looked straight ahead. Eden was sitting in a grassy field, but the grass was brown and dead, just like the sight across the tattered road ahead of her. The site looked as though it used to be a college campus at some point in time. With murky comprehension, Eden realized she was staring at her own beloved school. The buildings she often went to class in were falling apart. Whatever walls were still standing were filled with gaping holes. The red and brown bricks were now black and grey. Rubble filled the sidewalks. All the flowers were gone. The trees were splintered and dead. The overcast sky above the campus had a deep red tint to them as the sun faded in the distance. Tears came to Eden’s eyes as she took in the scene. It was as if someone had dropped a bomb on her life while she slept… Or on her school. Or perhaps the apocalypse happened in her sleep. Or maybe time sped up and sent her into a horrible future. Or maybe she was in an alternate world altogether. Eden’s mind raced with these possibilities as she continually failed to grasp why her life was in shambles before her.
Eden covered her mouth and inhaled a shaky breath.

A snap from behind caused Eden to jump and turn around. A fire was roaring behind her. Sitting on either side of the fire were two young men. The scene was a mirrored painting. On the right side of the fire sat a boy with silver hair, clad in grey and white. On the left side sat a boy with black hair, clad in green and black. Maybe it was the way the fading sunlight struck them. Maybe it was how well the two mirrored each other. Either way, Eden felt she was looking at the personified dichotomy of good and evil. Light and dark.

Eden was so enthralled in the scene that she did not stop to see the smaller details. She never noticed the large camo backpack or the black, oblong case sitting beside Silver (as she subconsciously named him)... Or the small bag sitting in Black’s lap… Or the guns at his feet.

Black looked up from the fire and stared. To Eden’s horror, his irises turned deep red. She involuntarily shrank back and was wondering whether or not to make a run for the hills when he spoke.
“You don’t have to be afraid.” His voice was calm and steady, with a trace of annoyance. “We’re not going to hurt you. If anything, we just saved your life.” His eyes stopped glowing and turned to a dark color as he stared back at the fire. Eden realized now his light-haired companion was staring at her.
Silver offered a wide grin and friendly wave. She half raised her hand in response, still wondering whether or not reality had abandoned her. Silver motioned for her to come over and sit with them. A chill ran up Eden’s spine as the wind picked up. Weighing her options, the warmth of a roaring fire seemed worth whatever risk was involved.

“If it is a dream,” she thought, “I might as well go along with it.”
Assuming her best bet was not to join the dark side, she sat by Silver. Eden raised her shaky hands to the fire and looked from one guy to the other. Being closer to the light of the fire, Eden realized that the two males looked younger than she at first guessed. 15? 16? Probably somewhere between 15 and 17, she decided.
Sniffling a little, Eden asked, “Who are you? Where am I?” The last question was asked in hopes that she didn’t really wake up in the same world she fell asleep in.
“You’re in Freedom. Or what’s left of it,” Black answered. He glanced at the debris and drank from a steaming metallic mug.

“Freedom?” Eden echoed, as she struggled to remember ever hearing of such a place. “What happened here? Where is everybody? And you still haven’t told me who you are yet!”
Black lowered his mug. “You give us your name, missy, and I’ll decide if you get ours.” Seeing Eden’s offended expression, he added, “Hey, you were in the one surrounded by soldiers.” He took another swig of his hot drink.
Eden folded her arms in aggravation. “My name is Eden. Eden Teknia. I’m from Tennessee. I go to school here. At least, I did before I woke up this morning”
“Nice story,” Black muttered as he stood up and handed the mug to Silver. “Where are you really from?”

“I just told you!” Eden’s anger vanished into fear as Black’s eyes turned red again. He stared at her for a minute before they turned back. He sat down as if nothing happened and prodded the fire with a stick. His thick dark eyebrows pressed together in thought. “You… you really don’t know, do you?”

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Great Destiny - Jonathan Maiocco

I'm a nerd. Deal.

It’s been a while since I posted anything story-wise. I figured I would let you guys see a bit of my newest work (they’re multiplying, I know). Hopefully, I can get a good portion (if not all) of it done over break. Here’s hoping.

This is the beginning. I seem to start out with some really annoying main characters (in my opinion). Hopefully, most of them turn out semi-decent by the end. *shrugs *
Anyhow, on with the story.
You can listen to this while you read, if you like epic instrumental background music. If not, that’s ok too. At the end is a song that is sort of the theme for this story. Sort of. Some lyrics fit more than others, but you’ll get the gist of it.
Happy reading. 


The Promised Land

“Is this worth dying for?”
Eden stared at the brown parcel in her hands. Visions of her journey thus far plagued her mind as she searched for an answer. How much had she lost just for her to end up here? Had she gained anything at all? Here in the midst of the enemy’s clutch, she was defenseless. Yet something nagged at her, eating through her very core. Something that screamed, “It doesn’t end here.”
Eden continued to stare as tears filled her eyes. “I’m not giving up.”

The Promised Land: War of Change (Part 1)

“There’s nothing to eat.” Eden Teknia poked at the food on her plate: mashed potatoes and some sort of meat masquerading as chicken. It was lunchtime and the university cafeteria was full of noisy students, just like it is at noon every day. Eden wasn’t tuned in to the conversation of her friends, having lost interest a while ago. With a sigh, she shoved the plate away, stood up, and walked to the grill, looking for a burger.

She impatiently picked bits of fluff off her brown long-sleeved sweater while waiting. It was mid-October, but this week had been the first time Tennessee weather decided to agree with the calendar. Eden wouldn’t normally have minded the weather change, but she was still getting over a cold and the low temperatures weren’t helping any. When she finally received her burger, she was disgusted to find the meat patty charred. As if it weren’t bad enough that she had a headache and wasn’t feeling well now the school expected her to eat charcoal?

“What is this?” Eden demanded of the cook. She continued before the man could answer. “This is completely burned! I’m not paying $20,000 a year for burned food! Why do you even work here? Never mind, I’m getting something else.” With a sharp motion she set the plate on the counter and stormed back to her table.
Eden tapped her friend Mary on the shoulder. “Hey, I want to go to Taco Bell. Can you drive?”

“Sure,” Mary replied in a somewhat hesitant voice. Eden pulled on her jean jacket, grabbed her backpack, and headed out the door. Fifteen minutes later, Eden and Mary sat in the lobby of the girls’ residence hall, munching on delicious tacos and quesadillas.
“How did you do on your psych quiz this morning?” Mary asked between bites.
Eden crumpled a taco wrapper into a ball. “Bombed, like always. The teacher has no idea what he’s doing. He makes the quizzes overly complicated.”
“Have you settled on a major yet?”
“Nope. I thought about Education, but I don’t think I can handle being in a room with a bunch of snotty brats every day. ”
“That’s a little harsh.” Mary refrained from mentioning that she was an Elementary Education major. “What about a lawyer?”
“Like my dad? Nah, too much paperwork.” Eden took a sip of Mountain Dew before continuing. “I like the idea of being a doctor, but that requires a lot of science classes.”
“Whatever you decide to do will require a lot of classes.” Mary checked her watch to keep track of time. “I have a 1:30, so I better get going.” Grabbing her backpack, Mary waved as she headed out.
Eden collected the trash and threw it away. She slung her backpack onto a shoulder and walked back to her room, her headache having decided to abate for the time being. On her way to the second floor, her phone rang.

“Hey,” she answered.
“Do you want to try explaining the two Ds first or should we skip straight to the F?”
“Why don’t we go over the two As instead?”
“Don’t be smart with me.”
“Love you too, mom,” Eden muttered as her headache returned. She stayed silent as her mother ranted about responsibility. Eden took her time getting to her door at the end of the hall. Her mother was about finished when Eden unlocked the door and stepped inside the empty room. She let her bag slide off her shoulder and onto the floor with a loud thud.
“Listen, mom,” Eden said at last, trying to get off the phone. “It’s only midterms, I have plenty of time to bring up my grades before finals. My afternoon class today cancelled and I have a headache, so I’m going to take a nap now. OK?”
There was a long pause as Eden heard her mom sigh on the other end. “Honey, I just want you to do well.”
“I know.”
“I’m sorry you’re not feeling good.”
“It’s ok.”
“Are you coming home for Thanksgiving break?”
“Yes, mom.” It was hard for Eden not to sound annoyed, but she was glad her mother wasn’t angry any more. “Can I take a nap now?”
“Oh, right. I’m sorry, honey. I’ll let you go. I love you.”
“Love you too, mom. Bye.”
Eden hung up and flopped onto the bed. Though it wasn’t quite as soft as her bed back home, it was welcome reprieve from a stressful day. Eden didn’t bother taking off her shoes or jacket. She didn’t even bother setting the alarm. She curled up with her soft plush turtle, pulled a comforter over her head, and fell asleep.


It was dark when Eden woke up. It wasn’t a sound that woke her, but a smell. It started out as the faint smell of wood burning, like a campfire, but then it grew stronger. So strong that she woke up choking on smoke.
Eden rolled off the bed with a painful thump and crawled to the door in panic. Tears stung her eyes as she tried to see through the smoke. The door was already open and Eden heard a lot of noise in the hall. 

Unable to stop coughing, Eden stood up and ran to the nearest exit, down the stairs, and outside. She collapsed to her knees as she continued to cough. The air smelled worse outside than it did inside. It was a foul odor, similar to the smell in Eden’s biology classroom. The same stench her classmates jokingly referred to as the smell of death. It burned her nostrils and clogged her lungs. The noise Eden heard in the hall was also louder outside. All Eden could make out was garbled shouting and an uneven tapping sound. 
Rata-tata-tata-tat. Shouting. Tap, tap, tap.  More shouting. Rata-tata-tata-tat. Eden’s cough dwindled to a wheeze as she struggled to breathe. She stood up and tried to keep walking. She stopped when five figures dressed in camo surrounded her. Every one of them wore a gasmask and each one held a gun pointed directly at her. 


Here's the theme song, as promised. Like I said, this will give you a basic gist of the story. 

~ Never Alone ~

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pretty Pink Tractor - Tim Hawkins

Yes. I went there.

A parody of a country song is as close as I'm willing to get to "country".

You'll find out why if you keep reading.

This week was crazy. Fun, but crazy.

We spent most of the week fixing up a facility that will be used for radio transmission to the Pacific.
We were working on top of a mountain and the wind was wonderful. Not as strong as in Hawaii, but just as refreshing (and the wind/sun comb was not as deceptive). We started working at 7:30 every morning, had an hour lunch break at noon, and continued working until sundown (about 5:15-5:30). We usually had a devotional after dinner as well.

The people we were working with recently built a new building for the radio facility so it had to be insulated and a bunch of other stuff. We took down a steel fence (i.e. tying wood for stability, cutting it apart, and moving it with a tractor). 

Pretty Pink Tractor was stuck in my head the whole time I drove the tractor. By the end of the week, I was known as the city girl turned country. Believe me, I still much rather prefer to do mental labor inside four walls than physical labor in the wide open. But if the opportunity to drive a tractor comes up again... I'm probably going to jump at it. 

By the way, Tim Hawkins is a comedian who also does pretty good song parodies. I saw him live in September. It was awesome. ^_^

We painted some of the studio rooms too. We didn’t get to much of the actual radio work, but we did a lot of the prep work involved in such a project. The closest we got to the radio stuff was on the last day when we recorded a few radio tags (i.e. “You’re listening to Pacific Broadcast Network…”).

The week I learned a bunch of stuff:

- How to insulate a building (with evil false cotton candy of death)
- How to cut through rusted chicken wire (gloves are optional, so is pain)
- How to lash wooden planks to steel poles (with rusted chicken wire)
- How to drive a tractor (Favorite part of the week ^_^ )
- Tubular steel fences are heavy (and hard to pull up from the ground, even with a tractor)
- Solid steel bars are heavy (especially when attached to a steel fence)
- Physical labor means moving stuff from over here to over there (wood, rocks, fences) 
- Meeting new people can be fun (Missionaries are awesome)
- Physical work makes you too exhausted for any mental work (or any mental function in general)
- Recording tags for a radio station is pretty cool (just don’t think about all the people listening)
- Poking people is entertaining (especially when everyone is tired)
- A "landing" actually refers to a place for boats, not planes (who knew?)
- Good friends are a gift (James 1:17)
- There is always hope (always)

Here’s a cool quote from an 8-year-old girl (taken entirely out of context).
“I need to learn how to use these wings before they go to waste.”

It’s always kind of amusing when I get back early and campus is still empty. I came back and I didn’t see a single soul in my whole dorm until a few hours after I arrived. 

Here's what went on in my mind when I got back:

5:30 - Oh, doesn’t look like anyone’s here yet. I should start unpacking
6:00 - Done. Wait, no one’s here… I can turn up the music and sing. ^_^
6:30 - Wow, I’m actually alone. I can sing as loud and as long as I want! :D
7:00 - *goes downstairs to do laundry* You know, this would be an excellent location for a zombie apocalypse. (OO) *hurries back to room*
7:30 - *turns down music, locks doors, and contemplates how long I can survive in my room with my current provisions*
8:00 - *hears shuffling and doors being opened/closed. Carefully peeks into the hall. Realizes that it’s a person and not a zombie. Closes door, locks it, and resumes normal function*
8:30 - *creeps downstairs to change out laundry* *Mentally prepares self in case a zombie suddenly emerging from the shadows… squeaks in terror at a roach*

Hehe... *ahem* Moving on.

This song came on the radio as we were driving back to TN and I thought it was fitting. This week was a good way to get away from school. I was stressed out right before the trip, down to the night before we left. Now that all that is out of the way and I’ve had a week off (without any chance to think about school and the stresses thereof), I’m ready for these last few weeks. 

I’m ready to go home, but I’m also ready to finish out this semester first.

~ Never Alone ~

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chopin - Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor

I guess people are kind of wondering what happened to me. Or probably forgot about this blog altogether.

It’s been pretty busy. I always use that excuse because it’s true. Some times, things you like to do get put off so you can do more important things. Like school.

I think I’ve already mentioned this, but I’m taking New Testament Greek I this semester. That is a world of adventure. It’s a lot of work only because you go over a lot of language material and memorization in a short amount of time. I really enjoy the class though. We’re parsing and translating sentences from the Bible. You have to understand the specifics in your own language before you can understand the specifics in another language. It’s very interesting. As long as I stay on top of the workload, it isn’t that bad. Several of my classmates complain about the difficulty level. Probably because they’re all guys and the majority try to put homework off until the night before.

It’s funny connecting Russian to Greek. I pronounce Greek words as though they are Russian, but the words have different meanings. One Greek word sounds like the Russian word for shoes, but in Greek it means blind. It is most intriguing.

Ah well. My other favorite class is Music Appreciation. It exciting to see the influence music has on society and vice versa. I knew that I liked two Beethoven melodies before the class. Now I realize I enjoy listening to Beethoven, Chopin, and Bach. It’s interesting to study the lives of various composers. Most didn’t have happy lives, but it is fascinating to note how music helped them through difficult times, especially Beethoven.

Speaking of languages and music, I had this song stuck in my head today. I could only remember the first line in English and the chorus in Russian. My mind was trying to mesh the two into one incomprehensible composition. It didn’t work. I looked in the worship songbooks, but I could not find it at all. I’m assuming it is an older tune and was not included in the newer printing of the songbook I searched in. After I got back to my room, I dug out my Russian/English songbook we use back home and found the song without a problem.

Here are the Russian lyrics:

Знаешь ли ручей, что бежит
Со креста, где умер Христос?
Знаешь ли Того, Кто дарит
Выкуп  от страданий и слез?

If Google translate failed you, here is the English version of the same verse:

Have you seen the stream as it flows
From the cross where Jesus has died?
Do you know the Savior Who bled
For our many sins, crucified?

It’s a beautiful melody, which fits well with the words.

Now back to the subject of time-draining activities. Aside from school, I also helped build and take down the set of the theater’s most recent production. I believe I have helped in some manner with most of the plays preformed. However, since my timesheet is listed under “sound technician” and I only come in to help when I have time, they usually don’t put my name in with those who helped with set production. Ah well, I still enjoy doing it. I’m normally exhausted, sore, and covered in sawdust/paint/dirt when I get out of scene shop, but it feels worth it. It feels like I’ve actually done something productive because I can see the results. Such is not always distinctly visible with mental labor.

Next week will be busy. Along with regular homework, I have 6 summaries to turn in, two tests on Friday, clean sweep (a seemingly governmental procedure which demands a dustless environment), and I need to pack for Thanksgiving break. Yay for Thanksgiving break. Sometimes I think the week before Thanksgiving break tests students by say, “Hey, if you can finish your projects, ace your tests, pack for the week, and have your room utterly spotless then you can take on anything.” Which may or may not be the case. As you can imagine, it easily gives one easy access to undue stress.

Back to music for a second, this particular verse of the song “Higher Ground” really hit home today.

My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay
Tho’ some may dwell where these abound
My prayer, my aim is higher ground.

Lately, I’ve found myself focusing on things that irritate me and bring me down rather than looking to positive things. The being around stressed out people for too long while burdened with your own fears and doubts doesn’t really help much. People complaining about the election didn’t help either.
Quoting part of a devo I heard last week, “Bad things are coming. Good things are too.” Sometimes, I think we focus on the bad things more than the good things.
Ironic how easy it is to forget what you once treasured. No?

Back to a more cheerful topic, I shall be spending this Thanksgiving break at the Gather Mountain International Shortwave Station in Harrison, Arkansas. It’s a really long name. Put simply, it’s a missions related trip. A group of students are going and we will be setting up radio towers, installing broadcasting equipment, installing sound equipment, doing some website construction, and so on and so forth. Basically, doing a bunch of prep work so others can record sermons and send them to the Pacific islands via radio.

It’s an interesting mix of both my majors. CS side: website and sound equipment. Bible side: preparing the way for others to teach the Gospel.

Ok, so it mostly involves the tech side, but it’s still pretty cool in my mind.

Lastly, this is also November, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). While I haven’t been able to participate the last two years because of school, I still try to get some writing done when I can. I’m working on yet another new short story. I want this one to actually focus on some issues that bother me rather than just write it because it sounds cool. I haven’t gotten much written at all, but the idea is still there.

Well, I better get back to my homework so I can get it all done and sent in on time before break.
Till we meet again.

~ Always Hope! ~

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Everyday Superhero - Smash Mouth

Does anyone even notice that new poll? ----->

I suppose it was necessary to write something to let peoples know I’m still alive.

So I got back, started school, went back to work, and visited TX for Labor Day.

This song seems to fit this semester so far. Especially when I get up at 6:30 and manage to stay awake through all my classes. I’ve been successful so far. The classes are pretty good (minus the timing of a particular 7:30 class).

I’m sort of proud of the fact that I’m taking Greek I (treasure trove of Bible-major horror stories). Being the only girl in the class (big change from my CS classes… not) I’m determined to do well. Besides that, I need it for my added major. Thankfully, the other classes this semester don’t look too difficult. I just need to make sure I stay on top of the workload.

Believe it or not, I’m trying to cut back on all the extracurricular activities. Because it’s still the beginning of the semester, I have a decent amount of time I don’t know what to do with. I’m using this time to catch up on some gaming. (I forgot how awesome Linebeck is and Linebeck III is just as awesome as his grandpa. ^_^ ) I’m also practicing piano more. (Working on Linebeck’s theme in all its awesomeness.)

I’m trying a different approach to piano. Before, I gave up fairly often because it takes forever for me to read the notes. Course, I loved listening to piano music so much that I couldn’t stay away for too long. So I would try and give up again. Instead of being so focused on reading the notes, getting them exactly right, and being unmerciful toward my own mistakes, I decided to try something different.
Something I’m much better at.
Playing by ear.
I’ve done this a little before, quickly replicating themes and such by picking out notes. This time, I added chords and told myself it’s really ok to make a few mistakes. The world is not going to end because I hit the wrong key (at least, I hope it doesn’t <_>_>). I’m treating notes more like… guidelines. I can get the melody down pretty easily and then it’s just getting the other notes to fall in place.

I haven’t really been writing all that much since school started (big surprise). I started a new story back in June/July-ish with a really cool character. I wrote out a good portion of it over the summer and now it sits, waiting for me to finish it. I hope to at least get back to that. Inspiration just doesn’t hit when you want it to, you know?

~ Never Alone ~

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Endless Summer - Oceana

I'm trying out a new music/post system. We'll see how that goes. Tell me how you like it… or if you don’t.

Big news for Ukraine, we held the Eurocup with Poland. I’m not that into sports, but it was nice to see the amount of effort and pride that went into preparations for the event. National pride exploded in blue and yellow all over the city.
Olympics are just around the corner and America elections are later this year. Big year.

I’ve mostly been doing a lot of writing this summer. Hosting a weekly writing challenge and such. Trying to get Hanna’s prequel done. I’m so close and yet still so far away from that goal. If/when I get more of it edited, I’m going to add it all there. So far, that blog just has some old stuff and a few minor design changes.

It’s been nice relaxing this summer. As much as I’d like to believe it’s an endless summer, the foreboding nature of next semester’s schedule is impossible to ignore. Ah well, coffee and I have some catching up to do anyway.

"With feet to take me where I’d go, 
with eyes to see the sunsets glow, 
with ears to hear what I would know, 
I am blessed indeed, the world is mine. 
Oh God, forgive me when I whine."
~ Unknown

Saturday, May 19, 2012

To The Sky - Owl City

Hi, welcome to Flight 201: Learning How to Fly! ^_^

I’m Kandi and I will be your flight instructor today. Never mind that I don’t have wings, I know what I’m doing.

For starters, you’re going to want to stretch. Stand up straight and slowly extend your wings. Follow the way I stretch my arms: slowly bring them up so they’re parallel with the floor, keep going so they’re in the air, try to go a little farther so the tips touch, and finish it out by bringing them down slowly. 
Good job! You can try opening them with a quick snap like Hanna does, but she only does it for the sound effect. *whispers* I think she’s a little self-conscious about their size.

Okey-dokey. Now, open your wings and keep your elbows bent. Crouch and jump into the air. Use the momentum to propel yourself into the air and use your wings for lift. There you have it! Some of you may be experiencing difficulty getting your wings to cooperate. Try to remain calm, this is perfectly normal!

Oh, I should have probably mentioned this earlier, but the padding you were standing on earlier is actually harder on impact than it is when you’re standing on it, so try not to fall. Of course, if you do fall, don’t land on anything important like your head… or your wings… or your neck… or me. You know what, just try not to fall. 
…But if you are going to fall, now would be the time to do it. In fact, it’s perfectly all right to fall. 
Almost everyone falls the first time. Except Hanna… who fell every time in the first two weeks. Turns out she had trouble with the balance part, who knew? ^_^

Wait, what’s that? You’re in the wrong class? *flips through notebook* Oh, I see. You’re looking for Flight 101. That’s down the hall and to the right. Tell Anna I said hi and she owes me a cookie.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There you are, I was starting to worry.
So glad you could join us.

Welcome to Flight 101: Aviation Appreciation.


We’ll start from the beginning. 
Take a square sheet of paper. 
Fold it in half diagonally to crease it then unfold. 
Fold the left and right edges of the paper to meet in the center crease. 
Keeping that part folded, turn the paper over and fold the left and right edges to meet in the center again. 
Fold in half lengthwise so the sharp point meets the corner on the opposite side. 
Fold the sharp point back again, somewhere between a fourth and a third of the way. 
Fold what you have in half vertically. 
Gently lift and fold the head and neck of the swan into place.

Flight is more than going up and down in a plane or following the flight pattern of a bird. It’s a journey with purpose. Once you have your destination, nothing should deter you from that goal. You can fly through sunshine and blue skies or dark clouds and rainy nights. Whether weather’s drear or crystal clear, you can get to your destination with heart and eyes set on the goal.  Make sure it’s a destination worth going to.

Now take out a regular sheet of paper and fold it lengthwise to crease then unfold. 
Fold down the top two corners so they meet in the center. 
Fold the two edges toward the center again. 

Fold what you have in half lengthwise. 

Create a wing crease that begins at the nose on both sides. 
Unfold that crease a little and you're finished. 
Bend up the tailing edge of the wings for lift if it has a tendency to nose-dive.

You have your goal, but how do you get there? 
You fly, of course. It is the most efficient way to travel. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most expensive as well. Even for those of us with wings, risk and danger are involved. However, there is also beauty, flight elevates you and not in a boastful way. Look out the window! Look at the sky! Clouds, stars, rainbows, birds, sunsets, sunrises, and the moon: all in the sky. There is freedom in flight as well, an independence from everything that brings you down. Even gravity’s load somehow seems lighter because there is a way around it. There is also camaraderie when individuals fly together in formation. So why not fly? It’s worth it. 

Take note, there is a difference between looking above and having your head in the clouds. The most notable difference is common sense. Our hearts and minds are drawn to seek for better things than this mortal world can give. Flight and looking above involve an individual responsibility to reach for these things because they are things worth reaching for. So look up. 
That’s the end of today’s lesson. Remember, class will be cancelled next week because I’ll be gone. While some of you will be busy practicing your fold and flight techniques, I’ll be doing a little flying of my own. Don’t forget to pick up the take home quiz as you leave. It’s on the first panel on your right at the front of the room, above the stereo.

See you next time.
Farewell and Always Hope!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Feeling Good - Muse

This song was recently brought to my attention (by recently, I mean like a month ago, but it’s been on my mind ever since).

The melody is so… haunting. It’s slow and threatening, but the lyrics are rather cheerful in comparison. The mental image I get is a major antagonist beginning his master plan with this song playing in the background. There’s an alluring scene for you storywriters.

Seems like most of the major stuff has finally blown over. Midterms, Spring Break, and even finals are out of the way.

A quick note on Spring Break:

I think this has been one of the most relaxing short breaks I’ve had since I’ve been in college. The family I stayed with was nice enough to let me in on all the fun. We went four wheeling and canoeing. We went to sing at a couple assisted living homes. We made Bokashi (fertilizer stuff, but I got paid to help so… yeah). All around, it was a very nice way to spend a week off school.

You know what the best part was? Here’s the best part:

Alas, school kept going. Now here I am, at the end of another year. It’s really flown by, probably because of how busy I keep myself. After Spring Break, I did the lighting for two different theater events, one a major play and the second a series of short plays. 

Depending on the day, I would go from one meeting to another and to another. It’s my fault I’m so busy, but it doesn’t help that there are so many opportunities to do what I enjoy. Ah well, you know me.
Jack of all trades, master of none.

Always Hope!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Xion's Theme

Message In A Bottle

Once I walked upon the shore
Found a bottle floating o’er

Picked it up and looked within
Saw a paper, brown and thin.

Words of hope and life revealed
Broken heart that now is healed

Author still unknown to me
“Kindness is the long lost key

Share with one a heavy load
Help one walk the bitter road

Take a drink of someone’s grief
Walk a mile without relief

Share with them their joy and tear
Comfort them in time of fear

From the Lord we should not swerve
Peace at heart is when we serve”

Note replaced and thrown to sea
Bottle drifts away from me

Here forbid the act to end
Thankfully, I’ll gladly send

Words of hope drift to a friend
Perhaps broken hearts to mend

~ Phoebe Lockheart

Monday, March 26, 2012

War Within

((I changed the music a little. It fits the story better, but it's still not long enough. Feel free to pause it and read in silence, if you want. By the way, here's a new short story I wrote. Don't forget to check polls in the corner over there -> ))

War Within

Once upon a dream in the land between Dusk and Dim, there waged a war.

We have been fighting this war for a long time now, the people of Light against the people of Dark. What humans call magic we use on a daily basis. Some are naturally gifted with the true power of Light or Dark. For them, simple tasks are done with a word or flick of the wrist. These are most excellent in combat as they wield their power with authority. Most are not naturally gifted, but still have power to some extent. The ones closest to human in appearance usually have an intensified ability, such as speed or the like. Others have human qualities, but with an added trait, such as wings or fins. I myself have wings. Dusty black fae wings far too delicate for my liking. Many, many different people live in the land between Dusk and Dim.

For a very long time, the land between Dusk and Dim was at peace. The people of Dark ruled the night and gave way to the people of Light when day began. However, the magic used to rule Dark became poisoned with jealousy, anger, and hatred. The people of Dark eventually tried to use their power to gain control over day. The war wages on even to this day. Just as Light is about to succeed, darkness creeps into the hearts and minds of our allies and Dark gains yet another victory. There have been a few who saw Light for what it truly is: truth, honor, and love. I have been part of this battle a long time. I fight for Light, but it was not always that way. Enough time has passed that most have forgotten my days in Dark. I left that past behind. I am now the second captain in the army of Light, recently tasked with defending a sanctuary of Light. An old fortress really, but it is the holding place for one of Light’s powerful treasures, the Key Wand.

Last night, I received a message that one of our allies had information regarding a new weapon the enemy was crafting and that perchance the enemy would seek to take the fortress with this new evil, as this fortress is the closest to the border. To utilize utmost secrecy, I was to meet the ally in secret this very night. I knew the ally who would deliver this information, a friend of mine. One who had been there when I first came to Light, when I needed a friend most. In the long years of war, I had fallen out of contact with most of the first friends I made. War does that. In any case, the time came and I set out into the shadows toward the rendezvous point. I do not fear the night, as some warriors of Light. I know better. Being from Dark myself, I know night and shadows are harmless. It is the creatures of darkness and their corrupt power that must be feared.

I flew to the meeting place and saw my friend waiting. I called his name and he slowly turned to me. I could tell something was odd. He greeted me not with salutation or news, but started talking about how someone so insignificant can have so much power. Confused, I asked what he meant. By this time, he had fully turned to me. He did not seem himself. His appearance was overly confident from what I remembered and his stance almost menacing. He dressed in black and red. I had never seen such colors on him that I could recall. He had always been one of the Light folk and they do not wear such colors. The person standing before me today was different from the friend I had all those years. Had he changed into this person recently or was the change gradual? Was it the war changed him or something else? To be honest, I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t know. He continued talking about how insignificant he must be, to be ignored by me all this time. He counted off the number of people and things I spent time with and asked if I had ever once given him a second thought. I hadn’t. He claimed everyone treated him as though he didn’t exist. He was ignored, unheard, and unseen. His voice steadily grew louder and he became angrier.

“Please,” I interrupted, “ There is a war going on. You know that. Now is not the time for this. Can’t we talk about it later? You mentioned you had news of an enemy weapon.”

At that point, he stepped back and took a breath. “You’re right,” he said. “The enemy does have a new weapon. Its capacity is sure to break the barrier between kingdoms. With this weapon, the enemy will take the Key Wand and destroy the other artifacts from there.” He spoke with a calmness that alarmed me almost as much as the news itself.

“What is this weapon?”


In an instant, I was surrounded with dark clouds that swirled around and concealed him from my view. I backed up in bewilderment. The clouds dissipated to reveal a creature I had never seen before. The creature was at least 4 times bigger than me. It had the hulking body of a troll with skin as black as coal. Massive bat-wings protruded from its back. Its orange hair looked like thin wisps of glowing embers on a dying fire, as though someone has set strands of straw aflame. Its eyes were the worst part yet. The body was black, yes, but the eyes were darker still. Genuine ebony wherein was no light at all. Thin yellow slits were all that could be made of where the irises should have been. Long, thin white teeth projected from the mouth, which was now pulled into a sneering smirk. Where once stood a friend now stood a monster. I tried to run. I tried to scream, but all I could do was stand and stare.

The creature glared at me and spoke in a deep, raspy voice, “Not what you expected is it?” Terror clung to my heart, invading my lungs with every shallow breath. The creature changed its voice and spoke again. The voice still sounded deep, but it was less menacing, almost smooth. “You see,” it began slowly. “I grew tired of being ignored. Tired of being overlooked.” As the creature continued to speak, it walked around me with more fluidity than I would have guessed that bulky body to be capable of. Its voice was calm with an edge of conceit. “I was fed up with being the invisible weakling others can’t stand to be around. I had enough of the coward I was. So I changed.”

Finally able to regain my voice, I sucked in a deep breath. “Giving in to darkness is only proof of cowardice. If you seek protection and recognition of courage, you will never find it in this evil power.”

At this, the creature’s harsh and threatening voice returned. “You would know about recognition, wouldn’t you? You acknowledge those of superior rank who come your way and ignore the ones who cannot give you a higher position. Including the ones you call your friends. The Dark powers are far superior to anything Light has. I will take the Key Wand and you cannot stop me!” The creature suddenly took off into the air with its massive wings and I swiftly followed. I had to get to the fortress before it did. I had to. My wings were far smaller than the creature’s, but I was faster. I can turn sooner and stop earlier, but there is no stopping for this mission. I wove my way past him and just out of reach as he made a swipe for me with his large hands. I was still faster. I came to the fortress and went straight to the guardians, the Light-gifted. “You must protect the Key! Darkness is coming to take it!”

The fortress lies in tiers upon an incline and the Key is in the very heart of the sanctuary. This is because the Key acts as a channel for light and it is through this channel that a field of energy surrounds the fortress. Smaller structures shaped like keys ground the field in certain locations, but it was the Key Wand itself that gave power to the field and to those who bear Light magic. The guardians, in their elegant robes of white began rushing around the fortress and the Key immediately after I sounded the warning, but it was already too late.

In a moment, I saw the creature above the Light field before it disappeared behind the curtain of surrounding night sky. Soon after, a dark figure emerged in the fortress from the direction I last saw the creature. The enemy, my friend, was now inside the city in human form and walking toward the Key. How he got in, I cannot tell, as the Light field is supposed to keep creatures of darkness out. Where were the guardians? I looked around and saw them dashing to and fro, but they made no effort to stop the man from approaching. Was he invisible to them? I don’t know. All I know is that he must be stopped. If I have to stop him alone, so be it. He continued walking down the sloping steps to the Key, seemingly as oblivious to the frantic guardians as they were to him. I flew between two pillars he was about to walk through. “I will not let you take the Key!” I said and stood defiantly in his way.

“Try and stop me,” he coolly replied. I pulled my sword from its sheath and moved in for a strike. Before impact, he changed into the monster again and grabbed me with an enormous hand. The hand smashed me into a sidewall and let me crumple to the ground, crushed and hardly able to breathe. I looked up in time to see him bridge the gap between him and the Key. I desperately cried out for him to stop. He never looked back. As the creature raised a hand to grasp the prize, a flash of light burst from the Key and all the guardians saw him for what he truly was.

I tried to stop him. I knew such power could not be turned. I knew it would destroy him. When he grabbed the Key Wand and the blinding light burst forth, the monstrous visage disintegrated and there was left my friend suspended above the ground. He hung midair only seconds before crashing to the cobblestone below. The guardians were upon him in an instant with their magic. “NO!” I cried, stumbling to my feet and hobbling toward him. When I got there, it was too late. The spells had done their work and the power of the Key didn’t help. He was bruised and battered, lying helpless on the ground. Quite a turnaround from just a few moments ago. I knelt next to him only for a moment before he faded.

A small part of me tried to tell myself this was my fault. That the death of my friend was my own doing, but I knew better. I knew in my heart that his envy and anger led him to this. He had done this himself and no one could save him. I could not save him, but in his last moments something else occurred to me. He was right about something: I hadn’t paid much attention to those helping me along. Every battle I won and victory I gained gave me more responsibilities and respect from those around me, but I hadn’t done it alone. When did I forget that? I can see now why he would assume I only used my friends as stepping-stones. That was never my intent, but I had been so focused on my own internal struggle that I had forgotten one thing. Every day, every single person has an inward battle to face. The result of that battle will determine the entire war. When my comrade falls, who is there to help him up? This is war. I have been fighting this war for a long time now. I am a warrior of Light against the enemies of Dark, but I am not alone.

~ SMS ~