Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Comet: Final Frontier (Part 4)

December 25, 2118

Three separate beams of light came to life as Sonus, Annie, and Missy turned on their flashlights. Silence enveloped the cabin since Annie had closed her music box. Aside from the flashlights, ICEE was now void of power.

“There goes the generator,” stated Annie, deciding to break the silence. “How much time do we have?”

“Until the comet passes or until we run out of oxygen?” replied Missy.

Sonus waved his flashlight enthusiastically as he spoke. “I’ll take ‘Mysterious Flying Objects’ for 100.”

“According to the calculations,” started Missy, “we have anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour.”

Sonus nodded. “That’s not so bad.”

“Not so bad?” Annie griped, “We’re drifting in space with total loss of power and absolutely no way to contact our family. On Christmas day, no less.”

“True,” admitted Sonus. “But we have plenty of oxygen left in addition to the masks. Which means, more than likely, we’ll last until the generator kicks in again.”

“Either way, it’s out of our hands now.” Missy said.

“Exactly,” Sonus concurred. “So don’t worry about it.”

Relenting, Annie nodded to the still-wrapped gift in Blueray’s hand. “What is it?”
Sonus shone his light on the present and finally opened it. Inside the wrapper was a worn leather Bible. Flipping through the book, a folded paper drifted from the pages. Taking the note and unfolding it, Sonus read in silence.

To my dearest son, Sonus Blueray,

I wish you could be with us this Christmas. Your sister and I miss you dearly. This time of year has always been difficult since the passing of your father a few years ago. Do not let my words dishearten you, for you carry on the great legacy of noble men. The Bible now in your possession was your father’s, just as it was his father’s, his grandfather’s, and his great-grandfather’s. I know you will take care of it.

You are not the first to spend Christmas so far from home. One hundred and fifty years ago, three men made a live Christmas broadcast from space. Together, they read the first chapter of Genesis to the world.

I know this is a dated form of communication and I will probably get to wish you a merry Christmas when the time comes, but I had to let you know how much you mean to me. You have worked diligently to be a good example for your sister. Your influence on others reaches farther than you know. I am so happy to call you my son. If your father were here, I know he would be so proud of you. No matter what difficulties you face, I know you can overcome them. You are a hero, not only to your family, but also to everyone on this earth.

Never let anyone tell you differently nor let others decide your fate for you.
Ever strive to be honorable.
Valor and honor in a person are to be treasured.
Endure the trials, for they are the times that try men’s souls.
Remember what your father and I taught you and you should be all right.

Greet those you meet with a sincere smile, as I know you will.
One kind word or act can change a life.
Now, I believe I have said enough. Remember, you are
never alone. There is
always hope, even in the most dire of circumstances.

Give my regards to your friends.
I look forward to seeing the three of you again.
Vanessa sends her love. I’m sure she would like to hear from her brother.
Enjoy the time you have, my son, for no one can tell when it shall end.

Stay strong and brave.
- Mom

Sonus folded the letter and thought in silence.

“You know,” Missy said in a soft voice. “This is the farthest I’ve ever been from home on Christmas. Now, more than ever, I wish I could talk to my family.”

Annie sniffled a little, the semidarkness hiding her face from view.

“Are you ok, Annie?” Missy inquired with concern.

“Yeah, I’m...” she faltered. “It’s just...” Without saying any more, she opened her music box again and let the music play for a few moments.

Even though no one said it, everyone in the room felt a wave of homesickness. The prospect of never seeing their loved ones again only strengthened the feeling.

“If I could talk to my family again,” Missy said. “I would tell them how much I love and miss them.” Then she smiled. “But at least we have each other. I’m glad I get to spend Christmas with my friends.”

When Annie closed the music box, a faint hum could be heard. The hum grew louder and the lights came back on.

“The generator is running again,” Annie said in thunderstruck amazement.

“HAH! I told you so!” exclaimed Sonus as he gently descended and landed on the ground.

Missy tried getting the transmitter to break through the static. It took about an hour before she actually got through. Within that time period, the electricity came back on in various parts of the station until the generator was no longer needed.

“Houston, this is ICEE, come in Houston. Do you read me?”

“We read you, ICEE,” Earth finally replied. “What happened up there? You were out of commission for almost five hours! We thought we lost you.”

Missy laughed with relief and shook her head as she answered. “No, I’m still here. Darksaber and Blueray are here too. We’re doing just fine.”

“What happened?”

“You probably won’t believe this, but a comet came pretty close to us. It knocked out all the electricity and jammed the radio signal.”

“But you’re ok?” Houston affirmed.

At that point Annie cut into the conversation. “Yeah, we’re all here.”

Then Sonus jumped in, “Merry Christmas!”

Laughter could be heard in background over the receiver. “Wow. Listen, Darksaber, Blueray, McBacon, your families are all here.”

“Are you serious?!” Missy asked in surprise.

“Of course, is there anything you want us to tell them?”

The three friends looked at each other for a minute, wondering who was to go first. Sonus gestured to Missy so she took the lead. “Houston, McBacon speaking. Tell my family I love them.”

Annie went next. “Houston this is Darksaber. Let my family know I miss them.”

Finally, Sonus spoke. “Blueray to Houston. Tell them thank you.”

“Sure thing,” came the reply. “Is that it?”

Missy grinned, “From the crew of ICEE, Merry Christmas!”

The End

~ SMS ~

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