Monday, July 8, 2024


"We spent the whole day shopping, but all she got was a picture." 


Show me the peach sunshine rays at sunrise and the marmalade sunset skies.

Show me the velvet flower petals dressed in dew beside fern and moss. 

Show me the trees clawing their way toward radiance and their multicolored leaves blanketing the earth. 

Show me the whiskers and wet snout of the animal companion on your daily walks. 

Show me the endless streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans you visit to escape the summer's sweltering heat. 

Show me the double rainbow you found after a torrential spring shower and the crystalline snowflakes caught on your cotton scarf.

Show me the landmarks I've never seen and the history I've never read when you go adventuring. Teach me the little known facts. Expand my vocabulary of concepts.

Show me the cover of the book you last shed tears over. Show me so I can learn the lessons you did within its pages. 

Show me the playlist you pull up in the car and the station you turn to when you can no longer abide the ear-splitting silence. Let me hear the notes of the melody attached to your most precious memory. 

Show me the yellowed recipe card handwritten by your great-grandmother so I too can prepare your favorite meal. Teach me the house rules of the games you grew up playing. 

Show me the collection of teacups and seashells and pins and coins from foreign nations.

Show me the fingerprint-laced mug of clay and the canvas filled with your uneven brushstrokes. 

Show me the table you sanded down and varnished, the dress you sewed with curtain fabric, and the miniature model you glued together and painted. 

Show me the steaming loaf of bread fresh from the oven and the crooked wooden spoon carved with your blade.

Show me, not because they are perfect, but because you are the one who made them. 

Show me the bright smiles and squinting, starry eyes when you gather with long lost friends and beloved family members. 

Show me the laughing faces from your last celebration forever frozen on film. 

Show me your milestones, anniversaries, and days of remembrance. 

Show me your greatest accomplishment. 

Show me your deepest loss. 

Show me all the ways we are different. 

Show me all the ways we are alike. 

Show me there is a light in the abyss of darkness. 

Show me we can choose joy and peace over bitterness and war. 

Show me we can choose compassion and kindness over cruelty and hatred. 

Show me we can choose goodness, faithfulness, self-control, and gentleness in a universe screeching division, deception, degradation, and destruction.  

Show me your faith and why you believe it. 

Show me what brings you hope. 

Show me love. 

(Alt title: the only reason I still use social media)

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