Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love Stinks - J. Geils Band

The time has come… for something epic.
I have no epicness at the moment, but I have plenty of awesomeness, or so I’m told. *shrugs* no matter.

Ah well, a collection of random quotes tossed hither and thither, if you will. I'd find more of them, but these are the random ones I remember at the moment.

Bible story – absolute truth – God’s commandments = perfectly happy audience

Name her "Rational," just spell it like "Rachel." - Moe

You make vanilla awesome – Christina

Logic makes me happy

Careful, there’s gravity there – Scott

The roses are wilting
The violets are dead
The candy bowl’s empty
And so is your head
- Marriage and the Family class

Never Alone!

Always Hope!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Logical Song - Supertramp


Yayness for actually getting around to this again.

Getting back into the swing of this has been harder than I thought it would be.
Primarily because as soon as I figured out a system last semester, it ended and I'm stuck with a new schedule.

The FHU Lectureships are keeping the place lively. I've seen several people who were only ever present embedded in memories.

I've been wanting to write again. Such lengthy spans of uncreative activity can be draining and dangerous.

On the flip side, I've been practicing piano more. Which goes back to the proverbial, "don't use it, you lose it" quote.


Ah well, time marches on.

I find myself having to continually remind myself why I came here.

Bah, enough negative chatter.

I applied for yet another job position, hopefully that goes well.
Also looks like I'm going to be writing for the newspaper again, which is always fun.

*nods* That's better.

~ Strength and Honor ~