Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons


Hey friend,

If you are familiar with National Novel Writing Month's schedule at all, then you know that October is "plantober". The time for you to plot, plan, put together a playlist, basically do everything except write. All in preparation for November - National Novel Writing Month. The challenge to write a novel's minimum length of words (50,000 words) in 30 days. 

Last year was the very first time I reached the goal. I plan to do it again this year with Ice Sword Chronicles

It's a big deal to me. It's a huge challenge. I told you ISC is my dream and this is how I'm putting those words into action. This November, I'm going to finally write ISC. 

"But Savvy, you've said that before. You've tried before and you've always failed."

I know. I'll be honest here, I'm scared. I can't tell you the number of times I've read through ISC, trying to fill in all the missing pieces, the actions, the setting, the plot, the facial expressions, the themes, the narrative, the continuity (what even is that?!). I can't tell you how many times I've started rewriting it only to stop and put it aside. 

ISC is my dragon to slay. ISC is my Smaug as well as my Erebor. I want so badly for it to be perfect and whole and finished. Yet I get so scared of ruining it. Will my coauthors like it if I change x? Will readers still enjoy it if I include y? What was this character's true motive? What was that character really trying to say? How much is too much? When will I know if it's enough? If I wait a little longer, maybe we can all get together and keep writing like we used to. If I wait a little longer, maybe the end will reveal itself. If I wait a little longer, maybe my coauthors will finish it for me (abhorrent of me, I know). 

We started writing ISC in May of  2009. Most of it was written by December of that year, but the story was not finished. It finally tapered off in 2012 when we could no longer keep up with writing, scheduling, and life. I've been waiting a decade for time to rewind so we can finish what we started. That's never going to happen. If I leave it alone, it will never change. It will never get worse, but it will never get better either. Printed book sets on store shelves, animated shows, movie deals, action figures, tshirts, video games (we dream big, ok?) - none of that can ever happen unless something changes. I'm tired of waiting. I don't have time to keep waiting for the perfect word, the perfect day, the perfect song. I have other stories waiting for me to write them. I have other dreams I want to achieve. 

So here's what's gonna happen. Come November, I'll start rewriting. I don't know how much of the story I actually get through, but I will hit the 50k in 30 days mark. I'll win NaNoWriMo again. Maybe I'll get through the whole story. We'll see. The end is still a mystery to me. 

(Almost put in a Fire Emblem: Three Houses image because it is SO CLOSE to ISC's Main Character weapons.) 

I'm planning to post the sections as I write through them. I haven't decided yet if that means post here or post on ISC's blog. Let me know which you'd prefer with the handy poll on the side. 

If you are family and friends, cheer me on. Ask me about my writing. I need the pressure. 

If you are my gaming buddies, I'll probably be online less. Or maybe online more as I procrastinate when I should be writing. One of the two. 

My coauthors - I have a specific request of you. I'm not going to ask you to read through all of ISC and help rewrite it (again). That's a huge ask and Nov is busy enough as it is with holidays, school, work, and end of year chaos. 

What I want is this: as I post the rewrites, let me know what stands out that needs changing. The small stuff - "My character actually has magenta hair." The big stuff - "My character probably wouldn't say/do that, they would say/do this instead." Any ideas for the ending. Anything you've wanted to add or alter. Any helpful ideas or music tracks. Any critiques at all.

I want to be true to your characters. This story is as much mine as it is yours. I have always believed that. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I will try to keep the light-hearted hero vibe, but no promises. I'm also hoping that posting in bite-sized chunks will be easier to read through and give input on than say a 117k word google doc. *cough* FSC *cough*

(Also, I realize Hanna's a pain to deal with... and dramatic... and just awful, but I promise she'll be better.)

Lastly, to everyone, be patient with me and this process. The first draft of anything is going to look bad. It's going to be a hot mess as I figure out continuity and story elements and world building and wrangle the dialog into... something that makes sense. I want to keep as true to the Original as I possibly can, but it may take on a form all it's own (Other?). November will be focused on writing as many words as possible. The months after that are for editing. You can fix anything in editing, but you can't edit a blank page.

I'm done waiting. I'm going to finish what we started. I'm writing for me. For everything ISC can be and more. For Hanna. For Misty. For DJ. For Brady. For Hairam. For Ace. For Jester. For Eve. For Ember. For Iul. For Lui. For Frodo. Whatever it takes. 

So I'll ask you again...

How far would you go to protect the ones you love? 

And if you want to take a whack at NaNoWriMo this year with me, look me up! 

"So you can't fly if you never try

You told me, oh, long ago" 

- Reluctant Heroes

~ Always Hope ~

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