Monday, May 20, 2024



(Highly inspired by Ashes by The Longest Johns)

Get round the fire as I sing you a tale

Of dragons, princesses, and heroes in mail

Of monsters and demons, of angels and men

When ashes grow cold I will sing it again

Weaver of fates, sit and watch while I spin

Follow the thread as our story begins

There once was a castle with glory so bright

Hear as it crumbles before the dawn’s light

Darkness and light, good and evil to clash

The fires so fierce turn the village to ash

Noble knights rally, their king they’re defending 

Arrows of war on the peaceful descending

A child escapes like a thief in the night

This child imbued with the goodness of light

Forced into hiding, this precious life threatened 

A child of destiny, myth, and of legend

Follow our hero along for their journey

Trials and setbacks to prove they are worthy

Will they choose kindness or will they choose evil?

What will they offer to rescue their people?

Our hero makes friends and our hero meets foes

Forever impact lives by paths that they chose

How would you alter the choice set before you?

Could you keep all of the words you have sworn to?

Listen, I’ll speak lines that never were spoken

And break apart hearts that once never were broken

Your memories now, are they fact? Are they fiction?

Do actions you take supersede your tradition? 

What was once real now has vanished in fable

Tell me your life up till now since the cradle

I’ll weave it in tapestries grand and dramatic 

For that is my art and my craft and my magic 

Hear stories I’ve woven from far distant lands

I’ve watched them unfold in the palm of my hand

Each story a lesson, a truth to the masses

You tend to the flame while I sing to the ashes

Get round the fire as I sing you a tale

Of dragons, princesses, and heroes in mail

Of monsters and demons, of angels and men

When ashes grow cold I will sing it again

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