Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Viva la Vida - Coldplay

Several people come to mind when I hear this song.

The first person who comes to mind is EDJ, especially with the more “recent” (recent being a VERY relative term here, mind you :P ) revelations and deleted scenes in ISC. EDJ was immortal. He had it all at one point, but it meant nothing to him. He would give it up in a heartbeat to be normal again. Think Barbossa ;)

Along that same vein, Shard also comes to mind. Most of the coauthors would get this more than the readers probably, simply because they know how power-hungry she is. She wishes she had it all. She would stop at nothing to rule not only this world, but all the other worlds as well. Think Queen of Hearts

The third person that comes to mind is The Master from Doctor Who. He got Earth. Lot of good that did him, he was still tormented.

Anyway, it’s good to just take a step back from whatever is going on in your life. Take a breath, look at things from a different perspective, stop and think.

This week is Spring Break for me. I know a lot of people who needed this break more than I, but I think all the students at school needed it for some reason or another. I needed some time to just stop and reevaluate how I’ve been handling this semester. I’ve unloaded my stress on others, I haven’t been keeping up with my workload, and I’ve spent more time “socializing” than I have anything else (as hard as THAT is to believe, I apparently do have a social life).

Last semester I was on top of the world. Granted I was ready to go home for Christmas Break, I finished the semester strong. I had good grades and was proud of the effort I put into my work. It was hard that semester, being the first one away from home and all. I also made a lot of new friends, meaning there were very few I knew and trusted enough to talk to about issues that bothered me.

This semester, I slacked off. I’m more comfortable in my environment. People talk to me about things that bother them and I, in turn, talk to them. I’m still getting used to the idea that people actually are interested in getting to know me as a person and not just label me as a foreigner. I’m taking on about the same amount of work as last semester, but putting in only half the effort. Ever so slowly, what little I have built up is already starting to crumble. I needed to take a break from people, deadlines, and various loud and obnoxious activities *mutters* something involving “music.” *ahem*

I needed to step outside my snow globe and get things straightened out before I could proceed.

So, I let my roommate kidnap me and take me to Wisconsin.

She was nice enough to let me pack in a time span of 10 minutes.

I’m grateful for the cold weather. Cold weather seems to help me think better anyway.
I got time to sleep in and we spent time at a park, lake, cheese factory, and concert. We even made cupcakes.
I took the time to write a 52-line poem for a poetry contest back at school. I might post it later.

I got bad news from my family before break (one of my grandfathers had passed away) then I got really good news from my family while I was on break (my brother was baptized).

I found out what I had been making in my classes and what I could do over the break to start improving it.

Every now and then, you just have to take a time out from life and rethink where you’re going and what you’re doing with the time you’ve been given.

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