Friday, January 27, 2012

Burning Heart - Survivor

I think my favorite line from this song is:

In the warrior’s code, there’s no surrender.
Though his body says, “Stop!” His spirit cries, “Never!”

Already the first week and a half into the semester and I’m already tremendously busy. It’s been a hit the ground running kind of thing. I’m in Poland a week, that weekend I’m back home, the beginning of the following week I’m dealing with delayed flights, the latter part of the week I’m battling jetlag while trying to do homework.

I started crocheting another scarf to give away. It’s already 1/3 finished, maybe a little more. A project I would like to do in the near future make hats for the cancer kids at the hospital in Jackson.

I’ve been rewriting parts of Hanna’s prequel. I actually have a personality for one of the main characters now, who knew? For those of you who are interested in this news at all, I’ve rewritten/edited parts 1 – 3 so far. More to come as time allows.

I’m writing for the Bell Tower again too. They must be really low on writers or something because they asked me if I would be interested in writing for the paper again. They must have forgotten how late my last submission was. Note: it never even made it to the web page.

I’m super excited about this next project. One of my friends came to me and asked about any ideas I had for gathering a bunch of clothes to give away. Last year, I helped a Partners4Africa load a huge cargo truck with banana boxes (over 1,000 boxes, I forget the exact number). They gave us permission to gather clothes to send over to Zimbabwe through the organization. I’ve been had to jump through some loops to get this activity approved, but hopefully everything will work out.
Here’s the slide I made for the event.

*cough* Freedies *cough*

Of course, I’m still involved in most of the other groups + some. Usually, the only way I can tell if I’m too busy is if I suddenly realize a couple hours later that I missed a meal. So far, I’ve only done that once. No worries, I ate when I remembered.

Classes/homework – same old story. I just have to work hard to keep my head above the water. Finding enough time for my homework has been a killer though. Classes are fine, generally speaking. Ironically, the most logical class (which I am pleasantly surprised that there is more logic than math in this class) is at the end of my longer days, when I’m pretty much mentally and physically spent. Just another par for the course, I guess.

Ever the wandering wayfarer in this wearing journey through life. I’ve been told it gets worse the older I get. There’s a hopeful outlook for ya. Doesn’t help when you have that awkward moment where security is driving by and stops to ask if you’re ok because you were hunched over a trashcan with stress leaking from your eyes.
Ah well.
Ok, I’m done ranting.

Let’s end on a happy note.

I’m booked to work sound during lectureship week. That is going to be awesome and extremely busy at the same time.

Now for something a little closer to home.
Me: *tells a friend about my schedule*
Friend: It’s ok. You’re Savannah, you’ll get it done.
Me: I don’t understand why people have these great expectations of me. I’m not that great. I mess up too.
Friend: You’re not that great, but God is.

Just goes to show…

~ Always Hope! ~

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