Friday, February 23, 2024

When Forever Comes - Miracle of Sound

February was a difficult month. February marks 2 years since losing my father. 5 years since losing a mentor. 3 months since losing my friend. 2 years since the all out invasion of my home. 10 years since the conflict started. I still remember crying in the stairwell the day I saw they took Crimea. Still. I try not to think about it. Any of it. What can you do, but think about it? I'm glad February is a short month. But February was a good month too. There were birthdays, milestones, and personal progress to celebrate. 

As far as Ukraine goes, I got news that some friends who have been living in refuge in other countries have returned home. It's not any safer for them now than it was two years ago when war broke out. But how long can you live away from home and away from the family you had to leave behind? How long could you wait? What if it was you? That's the thing, isn't it? "It's not me. It'll never happen here." They thought so too. Just because we're less likely does not make us impervious. No one assumes the unthinkable will happen to them until it does. 

Sorry, I was supposed to be talking about happy things, wasn't I? My friends were reunited with their familes. Whatever danger continues to assail them, they've chosen to face it together. There is good in that, even if it isn't very happy. 

February is a month to celebrate love. People tend to focus on romantic love, but love is so much more than that. Love is active. Love is patience. Love is kindness. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love is not just caring for your spouse (or significant other). Love is caring for your parents, your in-laws, your grandparents, your children, your grandchildren, your brothers, your sisters, your blood relatives, your chosen relatives, your friends, your leaders, your employees, your neighbors, your enemies, your pets, and yourself. Love is compassion, empathy, understanding, endearment. Love is action. Love is sacrifice. Love's ultimate form is the Father sending His Son to save a world that hates Him. What would you do to protect the ones you love? What would you do to save the ones who despise you? Christians are known by our love. We are nothing without it. Is love the first thing the comes to mind when you hear the word "Christian"? Probably not. If not, we need to change it. We need to do better. We need to be better. 

Don't get all twisted out of shape if you don't have someone to call your valentine. You have people you care about. You have people who care about you in return. Show them you love them through your acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and gifts. If you do have a valentine, you get to do these things every single day. February is just a reminder. 

"So, when they stand and tell the stories

Of who we are and what we've done

Of a thousand things that we could leave behind us

If they say just one word

Well, let that word be kindness"

~ Kindness - Steven Curtis Chapman

I'm going to show my nerd colors with this one. With the reboot of Final Fantasy VII, theaters decided to play Advent Children Complete for one night. You can bet your bottom dollar I got tickets as early as possible. This movie means a lot to me. Outside of the FF7 context, Advent Children doesn't make sense (to be fair, most of FF7 doesn't make sense). It's a bit silly and dramatic and probably full of cringeworthy moments (I'm too steeped in nostalgia to see anything but perfection). Seeing the complete version in theater was amazing. The last time I watched this movie, it was through those 14 part YouTube rips of the original cut (hey, even them graphics were top of the line back in 2005). I've seen people make fun of it and hate on it. But I still love it. It's one of my favorites. Let me tell you why. 

(Epic music video first)

This story is set 2 years after the heroes win. The big bad is defeated, the world is saved, and everyone lives happily ever after. But that’s not quite right. A demolished city needs rebuilding, its people are diseased and dying, and the hero is struggling with trauma, grief, and hopelessness. Advent Children to me is a story of how to move on after tragedy. How to keep living after your world has been flipped upside down and the dust settles, never to go back to the way things were before.  

Most people remember FF7's Aerith. Aerith is a healer. She is sweet and fun and a ray of sunshine in a dark world. Aerith brings joy and comfort to those around her. She is a light of hope. But we know what happens to her. Right? (Suspiciously narrows eyes at almost-released FFVII Rebirth). Hers is a delicate and temporary beauty, like the flowers she cares for. Either in spite of her ending, or perhaps because of it, people recognize Aerith. Everyone loves Aerith. On the flip side of this coin is Tifa. Tifa is a fighter. She is strong, capable, and independent. She runs her own businesses. Tifa holds things together. She keeps people grounded and believes in them when they don't believe in themselves. She doesn't let all the disappointments in life make her bitter. She is still sweet, gentle, and friendly. She isn't afraid to be vulnerable or honest or welcoming. She is also a light of hope. Hers is a guiding light in a dark sky. Tifa shows how to move on and keep living after the worst of the worst happens. Both sides of the coin are needed to help the hero overcome his challenges and move on.  

"Darkest skies, hollow eyes

But the stars burn brighter

Than you realize"

~ Erutan - Aerith's Theme

In all honesty, I based part of Fire Sword Chronicles on this movie. Fire Sword Chronicles is my Advent Children. Maybe that's why I love it so much. They are both stories of hope and love and sword fights. Hope isn't just what you do when you can see the storm clouds gathering, the terrible things and times coming. Hope is what you do after they've happened, after the storm has passed. Hope and love are how you move forward. 

Sephiroth: Tell me what you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away. 

Cloud: I pity you. You just don't get it at all. There's not a thing I don't cherish. 

Find someone that loves you enough to wear matching friendship bracelets and watch your nerdy video game movie with you, even when you cry through it. 🖤 💚

(Yes, I cried. And then we watched Suzume, which drove home the whole life and loss theme even harder, and I cried through that too. And The Boy and The Heron. If You're trying to teach me a lesson, can we stop now? It's fine. I'm fine. Bring tissues.)

"No giving up!" ~ Tifa

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