Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Renegade – Styx

About time for a little action, isn’t it?

The past few days have been fairly intriguing.

Staying up till 8am the first day of the New Year sent my sleep schedule even more out of whack than it already is. After taking jetlag into account, that will either be a very good thing or a very bad thing when I get back for the first few days of school. In any case, I’m not worried too much about that now.

I was sitting on my bed working on my laptop one night and what did I happen to see when I glanced up? A mouse. It took me a second to recognize it, I was probably thinking of my sister’s hamster. I saw it run to a corner of the room then under my bed. I sat there thinking, “Mama’s not going to like this…” Because I’m more afraid of the mousetrap snapping back onto my finger than I am the actual mouse, my father set the trap and I gently placed it next to my dresser before going into the other room to watch a movie. The next day, the mousetrap sat untouched until the puppy came in and set off the trap to get the bait. It’s been several days and there’s still no sign of ‘im.

My video hasn’t really been getting anywhere due to some… *ahem* technical difficulties. And yes, despite my computer savvy self, I am just as prone as anyone else to technical difficulties. :P
As of now, WMM isn’t letting me work on anything. I’m thinking of working with another program, but we’ll see how that goes.

For a bit of good news, ISC is moving again! ^_^

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