Friday, November 10, 2023

What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong


I wasn’t planning to write a blog post while doing NaNoWriMo, but out of the abundance of the heart the hand types so here we go. 

I stopped to look up at the architecture of the building I work at the other day and it suddenly hit me: when did something that once filled me with awe and wonder become so mundane? It happened to you too, right? The moment you skip your favorite song because it has become dull. The moment a bright red maple tree standing among a sea of yellows and greens becomes ordinary. The moment you’d rather stand under the umbrella instead of letting the rain touch your skin. Oh, what lives we lead when the extraordinary becomes normal! Life is full of incredible, beautiful moments that we are often too busy to stop and appreciate. The wonderful moments. The awesome moments. The moments when you stop and stare in amazement. I don’t want to lose that sense of wonder. Don’t let life become mundane. 

But what if it has? What if you can’t get out of the day in and day out? Next time you grab your coffee, stop and feel the warmth of the cup. Next time you pass a bakery, stop and smell the fresh bread. Listen to the heartbeat of someone you love. When you see that little daisy poking out between the cracks of the sidewalk in the middle of November because it doesn’t care what time of year it is, appreciate its beauty. Get excited when you see a rainbow. Get excited when your egg randomly has two yolks. In a world full of darkness and despair and monotony, stop to find the joy and you’ll find it.

Along this line, I discovered that the moment you learn how to pop the top off your stove to clean it, you become unstoppable. It's like discovering the hidden adult magic that you longed for as a kid. The mystical power of adults who can do anything. A similar thing happened when I found out you can swap the direction your doors open on appliances (fridge, dryer, washing machine). That was a fun day. I'm not sure if I've become a boring adult when these kinds of discoveries excite me or if I'm still seeing through the eyes of a child. Maybe I’m just a dork.

Getting back to NaNo, there must be a word for when your brain decides it would rather spend 3 hours deep cleaning the entire house on your day off than write one legible sentence toward your word count goal. Oh, there is? “Procrastination”? That doesn’t sound right. While my word count is not where it should be (these words don't count), I have a backlog of raw content from notes and word wars that I need to work on getting “reader ready.” Don’t question the process, but trust there is one. I am still being productive, it just doesn’t look like it yet…. Yeah, we’ll go with that. I did start noticing a pattern though…

There is a great big bad overlord that no one sees until the very end. The fate of the world is at stake. The one deemed to save it refuses the calling. And there is some sort of crush going on between the easy going pacifist and the emotional water girl. Is it a stretch? Maybe. Are the patterns only there if you look for them? Possibly. I don’t know, but I found it funny all the same. 

I was thinking about the importance of Veteran’s day. I have lived a conflict-free life. I don’t know anyone in active duty. I don’t know anyone who has died in the line of duty. And I only know a handful of veterans. I realize this makes me fortunate. I’m an ignorant civilian who has never had to worry about war. Obviously, it’s a bit different with the war going on in the country I grew up in, but I’m still not its citizen. I believe it takes a certain kind of person to be willing to lay down your life for others. For that, members of the military have my highest respect. Some never saw combat. Some never left our shores. Some left and are lucky they made it back at all. None of that makes them any less worthy of respect, in my eyes. Most of the time, I don’t know what to do when I see a veteran. Thank you doesn’t feel like enough. As with many areas of life, I wish I could do more. Honestly, I don’t think we as a nation are doing enough for them. But those are opinions best kept to myself. Those are the kinds of opinions that make people mad and I hate making people mad. So let me leave it at this: if you had the strength to put on my country’s uniform, thank you. Thank you for choosing to protect fortunate and ignorant civilians like me. 

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