Monday, August 29, 2011

All Star – Smash Mouth

I had so much trouble figuring out the right song for this post.
Usually, I just use a song I’ve been listening to on repeat for a couple days or a song that fits the mood.
No song stood out so I made a list of 15 songs that I could choose from.
It’s been busy, almost to the point of chaotic.

First week and a half of school seemed to go pretty well.
On Thursday I went to programming II. (Don’t ask me why we started school on a Thursday. Some of the things they do here don’t make sense, that’s one of them.)
After class we had the tolling of the bell ceremony.
It’s the start of another school year. What else can I say, other than that it was funny seeing all the teachers dressed in various colored robes and sitting on stage?
The next class was the Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. There was a bunch of familiar people in that class. It looks like it’s going to be pretty fun.
Last class was Art Appreciation. Shouldn’t be too hard for a visual learner.

Some of you may know that I’m in the process of pursuing a job in the theater wood shop. I’ve taken various measures to make sure I get the job, including visiting the shop 3 times (the first two times no one was there) and visiting the work-study window every other day or so. The guy working at the window always has this slightly amused/possibly annoyed smile/grimace expression when he sees me. I can’t actually tell if he’s annoyed or amused. I got to talk to the guy in charge of the shop and told him that I wanted to work there and answered various questions he had. Either way, they both said I would find out if I had the job sometime this week. The prospect looks good, but I think I’ll still bug the guy at the window.
All well, here’s hoping.

Friday I went to Visual Application Programming. Turns out, I’m in the same classroom with the same 9 computer students every morning at either 9:00 or 9:30 (depending on day), but with two different classes. I think that’s pretty cool, but that’s just me.
After chapel and lunch, I went to American Lit. I. In the middle of class, a girl on the soccer team passed out. Apparently she had had a concussion not too long ago. The teacher and a few students took her downstairs (class is on the 3rd floor) when she woke up. The rest of the class sat in intense silence. I spoke up and asked if someone would lead a prayer for her, which I’m thankful someone did. After the teacher came back, he continued the introduction to the reading assignment and sent us on our way with homework.

I went to the Southern Oaks assisted living home with a group of students. We usually have a devotional with a group of the elderly. Since Friday was the first time we had been back since last semester, we had a singing day.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with friends, including watching Kung Fu Panda 2.

Saturday, the school had a free carnival thing for the students. Last year, I won a fishie that died soon after. This year, I won four fishies. The first one was white and died cause I stayed outside in the heat too long. I didn’t get the chance to name him before he died, but now I call him Ghost. The other three I got later in the day and got them to an air-conditioned room. One goldfish has some black on the fins, so I called that one Hanna. Another goldfish has white on the fins, so I named that one Kandi. The last one looked like a normal goldfish, nothing extraordinary, so that one is Anna. Simple enough, nay? They’re all still alive too, so far so good.

Sunday we had a potluck after services and that evening we had a singing night.

Today I went to class not in the best of moods. Twas annoyed and tired. Didn’t help that I was having some issues getting a program I need for my computer class up and running. Besides that, I had a reading assignment that was taking me forever to finish. I got it done in time though and got through two of my classes without too much difficulty. Then I went to Physical Science. I was not looking forward to it, but now I’m actually excited for it. There’s just something really cool about a teacher with Doctor Who hair talking about time travel, black holes, aliens, and smashing rocks with hammers. He was into it. He enjoyed science and he wanted to help the students enjoy it too. Isn’t that what good teachers are supposed to do? Anyway, I’m looking forward to that class.

Always Hope!

1 comment:

  1. FISHIES! that sounds... fun :O dare i say... good luck? *bwahaha*
    wasn't kung fu panda 2 awesome? :| *skadooosh*

    good luck with the job! :D
