Friday, December 17, 2010

Journey to the Past – Anastasia Soundtrack

Ah, so close, and yet so far away.

Tis still a long, long, way from home.

Yesterday, I woke up early, 6 or 7ish, and said goodbye to my future roomie. Then I fell back asleep, woke up late, sold the rest of my books, and had lunch.
I got to drive around with epic nerds and just as epic music. I thoroughly enjoyed that trip. ^_^
After I got back, I spent most of my time packing.
I had the beautiful opportunity to help two friends in need, one with finding a ride and the other with moving heavy/awkwardly shaped objects from one dorm to another.
I then got to see parts of 3 different movies from 3 different dorms, Scott – Up, Bradfield – Despicable Me, Dixon – Ponyo. And we had cake. ^_^

I can think of no other way to spend the last full day here.
Well, I probably could, but why spoil blessing with wishful thinking?

This morning I got up early and finished packing before I went to breakfast.
Ugh, breakfast… it shall be the death of me one of these days. It doesn’t matter what it is, how much of it I eat (or how little), or what time I eat it. I detest breakfast. Call it the most important meal of the day if you will, I’ll hold out for lunch.

After calling my parents, I finished organizing, cleaning, and packing. That last part was only a hassle because of the evil flight restrictions. Pack, weigh, repack, weigh, repack, weigh, repack, weigh. Now to head off to the airport. It’ll be just like old times… only with less family… a lot less family…

I believe it’s time for me to fly.

1 comment:

  1. (OO) YOU may hate breakfast, but I nearly died this morning because I didn't have breakfast. Died! Gone! Ka-put! Never to be seen again...! (*re-reads that* You know... sometimes I wonder if I should take drama class. XD) I was sooooo hungry... but that may be due to the fact that I didn't really have dinner the night before... In any case! Yeah, I'm done with my rant now. ^_^
