Sunday, December 5, 2010

Never Going Back To Ok - The Afters

Hah, finally found some time. Well, I made some time really. It probably wouldn’t hurt to go over my notes again, but this has been on my to do list for a while. Such a thing should not have to go on a to do list, I know, but time escapes me.

So, school has come back with a vengeance. It won’t be too long now.
After a much needed break, I’m ready to get back to work. Yet at the same time, I’m ready to be done with this semester.

I’ve noticed how school has a way of severely limiting randomly creative productivity. I’ve had less time to draw or write. I think I’ve only drawn two pictures the whole time I’ve been here, which is sad. I was able to manage in a word war though. 800 something words in an hour. Talk about losing my touch.

I packed up my piano for Thanksgiving break and haven’t bothered to get it out again, considering it’s only going to be packed again in a couple weeks. I’ve only been able to practice when I make the time for it, usually when I need a productive stress reliever. Interestingly, that has been a fairly rare occurrence. Either way, one of my many locations of refuge has a piano and is just across the street from my dorm. Convenient? I’d say so.

A lot of stuff has been going on around campus. “Important” stuff. So important, I miss half of it. Like the SS people on the rooftops that I totally missed. My excuse? It was a busy day and I wasn’t looking for them. Yeah, I think I’ll stick with that. :P

Ah well, finals are coming up pretty soon. This shall be a very interesting next couple of weeks...

~ Savvy

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds like something I'd do (missing the SS folks). Come Christmas time I hope your creativity comes back in a flood :)
    Pingpong (Millards brother)
